I really loved how different this pattern was. I don't have a bag that looks anything like this. One of my favorite features is the recessed zipper. So many totes don't have zippers, so this makes it a perfect bag to travel with.
This bag has a lot of other great features as well. There is an adjustable strap, that can used as a cross body strap, purse length, or just grab those adorable handles. There are two large pockets on the outside. The back on is the full width of the bag, while the front one is a patch pocket, both of them have magnetic snaps to keep them secure.
The inside of the bag also has a lot of places to keep things organized. A full size pocket on one side, and a zipper pocket, and patch pocket on the other.
While this bag may look fairly simple, there are a LOT of separate
pieces that go into making this bag.
The outer shell as seen here is comprised of 2 sides, 1 gusset, 4
pieces for the pockets, all of these have either interfacing or batting
ironed on as well. I used outdoor fabric for the main bag, with
Ultrasuede for the gusset.
The inside of the bag is made up
for 4 lining pieces, 5 pocket pieces, 2 zippers, 4 zipper pieces, 1
gusset, 1 piece of ribbon. All of the pieces of fabric also have
interfacing which has been cut and ironed on.
The strap assemble consists of 2 Triangle rings and small straps attached to the main body gusset. The Strap itself has 2 swivel snap clips, and a slider. I have attached them with rivets.
This bag will be very durable, and I can't wait to go on a lot of shopping trips with it!!!
If you're interested in this or any other pattern from the Bag of the Month Club, just click on the badge at the top right of my page, and it'll link you directly to the website. Happy sewing!!!!